👉 Select an option by touching or clicking to mark it as your response.
Q1. The ‘Jhumoir dance’ is a traditional folk dance from: / ‘झुमुर’ एक पारंपरिक लोक नृत्य है:
The correct answer is A. PM Modi will attend the Jhumoir Binandini (Mega Jhumoir) 2025 program in Guwahati, Assam.
Source: PIB
Source: PIB
Q2. In January 2025, the cabinet sanctioned the National Critical Mineral Mission with a financial outlay of: / जनवरी 2025 में, कैबिनेट ने राष्ट्रीय क्रिटिकल मिनरल मिशन को कितनी धनराशि के आवंटन के साथ मंजूरी दी?
The correct answer is B.
Source: The Hindu
Source: The Hindu
Q3. Which of the following statements regarding India’s inability to optimally utilize its critical mineral reserves is/are accurate? / भारत की अपने महत्वपूर्ण (क्रिटिकल) खनिज भंडारों का इष्टतम उपयोग करने में असमर्थता के संबंध में निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा/से कथन सही है/हैं?
The correct answer is B. Statement III is inaccurate, as the process of land acquisition is inherently complex. The establishment of mines for critical minerals constitutes a multifaceted undertaking, encountering challenges related to land acquisition due to vein deposits frequently extending beyond lease boundaries, significant resettlement and rehabilitation concerns, as well as prolonged development timelines.
Source: The Hindu
Source: The Hindu
Q4. The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has developed the QRSAM. What does QRSAM stand for? / रक्षा अनुसंधान और विकास संगठन (डीआरडीओ) ने QRSAM विकसित किया है। QRSAM का पूरा नाम क्या है?
The correct answer is B.
Source: The Hindu
Source: The Hindu
Q5. Who has been appointed the new Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the United States? / किसे संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका में फेडरल ब्यूरो ऑफ़ इन्वेस्टिगेशन (एफबीआई) का नया निदेशक नियुक्त किया गया है?
The correct answer is C.
Source: The Hindu
Source: The Hindu
Q6. Which nation has recently hosted a mini-Arab summit aimed at establishing a unified stance regarding the crisis in Gaza? / किस राष्ट्र ने हाल ही में गाजा संकट के संबंध में एकीकृत रुख स्थापित करने के उद्देश्य से एक मिनी-अरब शिखर सम्मेलन की मेजबानी की है?
The correct answer is A.
Source: The Hindu
Source: The Hindu