Aquaculture in UP and its impact on development of UP


Aquaculture is the cultivation of Aquatic organisms. Unlike fishing, aquaculture, also known as aquafarming, implies the cultivation of Aquatic populations under controlled conditions. Mariculture refers to aquaculture practiced in marine environments. Particular kinds of aquaculture include agriculture ( the production of kelp, seaweed, and other algae ), fish farming, shrimp farming, shellfish farming, and growing of cultured pearls.

Types of Aquaculture

  • Algaculture
  • Fish farming i.e. Fisheries
  • Freshwater Prawn Farming
  • Integrated Multi-Tropic Aquaculture
  • Mariculture
  • Shrimp Farming


In order to increase fish production and employment in the state, the Fisheries Department was established independently in 1966. After that, Uttar Pradesh Fish Corporation was established for the development of fisheries.

In the 6th and 7th plan period, for the development of fisheries sector, a three-tier structure was arranged namely –

  • Uttar Pradesh Fisheries Cooperative Union Limited at the state level,
  • District Cooperative Fisheries Development and Marketing Federation at the district level and
  • Primary Fisheries Cooperative Societies at the Panchayat level.

In the year 2021-22, there are 1081 primary committees, 22 district unions and one state level cooperative union in the state. These societies were formed in the year 1985 under the provisions contained in the Uttar Pradesh Cooperative Societies Act, 1965.

With the efforts of Fisheries Development Corporation for fish seed production, 9 large and 48 medium/small sized ‘Hatcheries’ have been constructed in the state. 214 hatcheries have been constructed in the private sector.

Fishermen Accidental Insurance Scheme was started in 1985-86, in which 1 lakh is paid in case of death and 50,000 in case of disability.

Through the centrally-sponsored ‘National Fisherman’s Welfare Fund’, houses are constructed for fishermen with 50:50 cooperation between the Centre and the State. The scheme ended on March 31, 2020. The Department is currently implementing the Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojna ( PMMSY ) for the welfare of the fishermen.

In June 2015, fisheries have been given the status of agriculture.

Vision & Mission


Ecologically healthy, economically viable and socially inclusive fisheries sector that contributes towards economic prosperity and well-being of fishermen, fish farmers and other stakeholders, food and nutritional security of the country in a sustainable and responsible manner.


Holistic and sustainable growth and management of inland, marine and coastal fisheries resources and improving the socio-economic condition of fishermen and fish-farmers.

Impact on development of UP

Aquaculture Development in Uttar Pradesh : A Catalyst for Progress

Economic Empowerment :

  • Employment Generation : Establishment of aquaculture facilities creates numerous job opportunities, addressing unemployment challenges in the state.
  • Income Boost : Fish farming and related aquaculture activities enhance the income of individuals engaged in the sector, fostering financial stability.
  • Rural Development : Rural Economy Aquaculture becomes a significant contributor to the rural economy, uplifting living standards and encouraging entrepreneurship.
  • Infrastructure Growth : Development of hatcheries and fisheries infrastructure leads to overall rural development, including better roads and connectivity.

Social Welfare and Inclusivity :

  • Fishermen’s Welfare : Schemes like the Fishermen Accidental Insurance and the Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojna ensure the welfare of fishermen, providing financial aid and housing facilities.
  • Social Inclusivity : Aquaculture opens avenues for marginalized communities, promoting inclusivity and reducing social disparities.

Environmental Impact and Sustainability

Ecological Balance :

  • Aquatic Ecosystem : Aquaculture practices contribute to maintaining a balanced aquatic ecosystem, preventing overfishing and preserving marine life.
  • Biodiversity Conservation : Responsible aquaculture methods ensure the conservation of aquatic biodiversity, safeguarding fragile ecosystems.

Sustainable Agriculture :

  • Resource Conservation : Controlled aquaculture conserves water resources, ensuring sustainable use and minimizing wastage.
  • Efficient Land Use : Aquaculture optimizes land use, utilizing available space effectively for productive purposes.

Government Initiatives and Policy Support

Institutional Framework :

  • Cooperative Societies : The establishment of primary committees, district unions, and state-level cooperative unions enhances collaboration and resource pooling.
  • Government-Private Partnership : Collaboration with private sector hatcheries boosts fish seed production, promoting public-private synergy.

Financial and Social Security :

  • Insurance Schemes : Fishermen Accidental Insurance Scheme provides financial security, mitigating risks associated with their profession.
  • Housing Support : The construction of houses for fishermen under the National Fisherman’s Welfare Fund enhances their quality of life.

Recognition and Status :

  • Agricultural Recognition : Granting fisheries the status of agriculture aligns aquaculture with other agricultural practices, ensuring equal policy and financial support.
  • Vision and Mission : The ecologically healthy and socially inclusive fisheries sector, as envisioned, leads to sustainable development, emphasizing holistic growth and resource management.

Future Prospects and Sustainability Measures

Technological Advancements :

  • Research and Innovation : Investments in aquaculture research lead to innovations, improving breeding techniques and disease prevention methods.
  • Digitization : Implementing digital technologies for monitoring water quality and fish health ensures efficient management and production.

Sustainable Practices :

  • Organic Aquaculture : Promoting organic aquaculture methods aligns with global demand for chemical-free, environmentally friendly seafood.
  • Community Awareness : Raising awareness about responsible fishing practices ensures the long-term sustainability of aquatic resources.

International Collaboration :

  • Export Opportunities : Meeting international standards opens avenues for fish and seafood exports, boosting economic growth through foreign trade.
  • Knowledge Exchange : Collaborative initiatives with countries excelling in aquaculture provide valuable knowledge, enhancing local expertise and productivity.


Aquaculture, with its multifaceted impact on employment, social welfare, environmental balance, and economic growth, stands as a pivotal sector in Uttar Pradesh’s developmental landscape. Continued governmental support, sustainable practices, and international collaboration are vital to ensuring its long-term prosperity and contribution to the state’s progress.

Commercialization of Agriculture in UP

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