Floriculture in UP and its impact on development of UP


Floriculture is a specialized field within ornamental horticulture that focuses on the cultivation, marketing of flowers, ornamental plants, and the art of flower arrangement.

Flowers are cultivated in Varanasi, Kannauj, Mirzapur, Jaunpur, Prayagraj, Lucknow etc. districts of Uttar Pradesh.

Many types of grants are given by the government for nursery of flowers. Lucknow is one of the nine model flower production centres established in India.

Perfume is made from flowers in Kannauj.

National Floriculture Mission

India: Uttar Pradesh government to promote flower farming

The Uttar Pradesh government has agreed to join hands with the CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute (NERI) to prepare a roadmap for the promotion of flower farming in the state under the National Floriculture Mission launched by the Centre on March 4, 2021; said people who are aware of the development

A decision in this regard, according to them, was taken in a meeting chaired by chief secretary Durga Shankar Mishra, a CSIR-NBRI director, where SK Barik made a presentation on the need and scope for the promotion of floriculture in UP. The NBRI director sought the state government’s support in its endeavours.

The CSIR-NBRI is the nodal body appointed by the Centre for the promotion of flower farming across the country.

“We, in association with the NBRI, will soon prepare a detailed project report (DPR) for the promotion of floriculture in the state and provide all the support the NBRI expects from us horticulture department director RK Tomar said when contacted. He said currently the state government had no separate scheme for floriculture promotion.

Impact on develop of UP

Economic Diversification and Revenue Boost

  • Floral Cultivation Centres : Flowers cultivated in various districts create economic opportunities for local communities, diversifying the state’s agricultural sector.
  • Revenue Generation : Sale of flowers and related products contribute to local economies, enhancing revenue streams for farmers and businesses.

Government Grants and Support :

  • Financial Assistance : Government grants for flower nurseries support entrepreneurs, encouraging the establishment of flower-related businesses.
  • Skill Development : Training programs funded by the government enhance the skills of floriculturists, ensuring higher-quality products and increased market demand.

Cultural and Industrial Significance

Traditional Perfume Industry :

  • Perfume Production : Kannauj’s flower-based perfume industry preserves traditional techniques, linking cultural heritage with economic development.
  • Global Recognition : Unique fragrances derived from local flowers enhance India’s reputation in the global perfume market.

Floral Tourism and Local Businesses :

  • Tourist Attractions : Flourishing flower farms become tourist attractions, drawing visitors interested in floral beauty and fragrances.
  • Local Enterprises : Local entrepreneurs in districts like Varanasi and Mirzapur establish flower-based businesses, stimulating the local economy.

Government-Research Collaboration

Research and Innovation :

  • Scientific Expertise : Collaboration with CSIR-NBRI ensures access to cutting-edge research, promoting innovative cultivation methods and flower varieties.
  • Technology Adoption : Integration of research findings aids farmers in adopting advanced techniques, increasing productivity and quality.

National Floriculture Mission :

  • Strategic Roadmap : Partnership with CSIR-NBRI under the National Floriculture Mission provides a strategic framework for the state’s flower farming sector.
  • Policy Development : Joint efforts result in policy formulation, aligning state initiatives with national goals, fostering a cohesive approach to floriculture development.

Environmental Conservation and Sustainability

Biodiversity Preservation :

  • Native Flower Species : Emphasis on cultivating indigenous flower varieties contributes to biodiversity conservation, protecting native flora.
  • Eco-friendly Practices : Adoption of eco-friendly farming practices ensures sustainable flower cultivation, promoting environmental conservation.

Climate Resilience :

  • Adaptation Strategies : Research-backed strategies enhance flowers’ resilience to changing climate patterns, ensuring consistent production despite environmental challenges.
  • Drought-Resistant Varieties : Development and cultivation of drought-resistant flower species support farmers during water scarcity, promoting agricultural stability.

Employment Opportunities and Livelihood Enhancement

Rural Employment :

  • Job Creation : Floriculture activities generate employment opportunities in rural areas, reducing unemployment and poverty rates.
  • Empowering Women : Flower cultivation often engages women in various stages of production, empowering them economically and socially.

Skill Enhancement :

  • Training Initiatives : Collaborative programs between government agencies and research institutes offer training, enhancing the skills of farmers and floriculturists.
  • Entrepreneurship Development : Skill development programs encourage entrepreneurship, leading to the establishment of flower-related businesses and startups.


The collaboration between the Uttar Pradesh government and CSIR-NBRI not only enhances the state’s floriculture industry but also ensures sustainable practices, cultural preservation, and economic growth. By fostering innovation, providing financial support, and promoting environmentally friendly approaches, this partnership paves the way for a vibrant and resilient flower farming sector in Uttar Pradesh.

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