Match the following List-I to List-II and by using the given codes in below list, choose the correct answer.

Q – Match the following List-I to List-II and by using the given codes in below list, choose the correct answer.

List-1 List-II
A. Birds 1. Palacobiology
B. Inheritance 2. Ecology
C. Environment 3. Ornithology
D. Fossil 4. Genetics


         A     B    C    D

(a)   1     3    4    2

(b)   3    4    2    1

(c)   4    2    1    3

(d)   2    4    1   3

                                                                                                                      U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 1998

Ans. (b)

Explanation: The correctly matched pairs are as follows-

  • Study of Birds- Ornithology
  • Study of Inheritance- Genetics
  • Study of Environment- Ecology
  • Study of Plant Fossils- Palaeobiology

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