Crop Rotation In Uttar Pradesh


Growing crops in a certain area in a fixed period in such a way that there is least loss of fertility is called crop rotation.

Benefits of crop rotation

There are many benefits by adopting this; For example :

  • the fertility of the soil is protected,
  • it helps in the control of diseases, pests and weeds,
  • it is possible to make maximum use of limited resources,
  • it is possible to take more production,
  • there is a decrease in soil erosion, etc.

Crop rotation in UP

Different crop rotations are adopted for different areas in the state, which are as follows :

  • Crop Circles for Eastern Uttar Pradesh
    • Paddy — Lentil : One year
    • Millet+Pigeon Pea — Wheat : Two years
    • Paddy — Peas : One year
    • Paddy or Maize — Wheat : One year
    • Paddy+Wheat — Mustard : One year
    • Paddy — Barley : One year
    • Sugarcane—Pedi, Green Manure : Three years
  • Crop Circles for Western Uttar Pradesh
    • Maize — Potato-Onion : One year
    • Maize — Potato-Wheat : One year
    • Paddy — wheat or barley : one year
    • Millet — wheat : one year
    • Maize — Potato — Sugarcane : Two years
  • Crop circle for Bundelkhand
    • Millet + Pigeon Pea : One year
    • Millet — Gram : One year
    • Millet + Pigeon Pea, fallow-wheat, sesame-linseed : three years
    • Kodo Millet — Gram : One year
    • Millet — Barley : One year

Soils of Uttar Pradesh

Climate of Uttar Pradesh

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