Commercialization of Agriculture in UP


Commercialization of agriculture is a shift from subsistence farming to profit-driven, market-oriented agriculture.

Commercialization of Agriculture : Summary


  • Transition from Subsistence to Market-Oriented Farming
  • ‘Shift from subsistence farming to profit-driven market-oriented agriculture.’
  • Driven by factors like population growth, urbanization, and increased demand for agricultural products.

Positive Impacts

  • Increased production of food crops to meet growing population needs.
  • Generates employment and income for farmers.
  • Contributes to the state’s economic growth.
  • Improves food security in Uttar Pradesh and India.

Negative Impacts and Challenges

  • Shift away from traditional crops and farming practices affecting biodiversity and soil health.
  • Vulnerability of farmers to market fluctuations and price shocks.
  • Increased use of pesticides and fertilizers with potential environmental consequences.
  • Concentration of land ownership, disadvantaging small and marginal farmers.

Government Initiatives to Promote Commercialization

  • Subsidies for seeds, fertilizers, and machinery.
  • Investments in agricultural infrastructure such as roads and irrigation.
  • Support for sustainable agricultural practices.
  • Assistance to small and marginal farmers.

Specific Examples of Commercialization in UP

  • Increased production of cash crops like sugarcane, potatoes, and vegetables.
  • Adoption of contract farming agreements for crops such as sugarcane, rice, and potatoes.
  • Growth of the food processing industry, providing new market opportunities.
  • Utilization of e-commerce platforms for direct consumer sales.

Commercialization and UP Budget 2023-24

Farmers Training Program : Innovative initiative called “The Million Farmer’s School” launched across the entire province to train farmers in the latest techniques.

National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture : Allocation of Rs. 631.93 crore for this scheme.

Uttar Pradesh Millets Revival : Rs. 55.60 crore allocated to this scheme.

Agritech Start-up Scheme : Proposed Rs. 20 crore for this scheme in four agricultural universities.

Mahatma Buddha Agricultural and Scientific University : Provision of Rs. 50 crore for its establishment in Kushinagar.

Infrastructure Works in Agricultural Universities : Allocation of about Rs. 35 crore for infrastructure development in universities in Kanpur, Ayodhya, Banda, and Meerut.

Agriculture College Development : Teaching and construction work started in Agriculture College (WAMPS), Azamgarh, and ongoing construction in Gonda district under Acharya Narendra Dev University of Agriculture and Technology, Ayodhya.

Dairy Development : Rs. 25 crore proposed budget under Uttar Pradesh Dairy Development and Dairy Product Promotion Policy, 2022.

Nand Baba Diary Mission : Proposed Rs. 61.21 crore for its implementation in the financial year 2023-24.

Cattle Welfare : Target to construct 187 large Gau-Sanrakshan Kendras, with 171 completed to address issues of destitute/helpless cattle.

Prime Minister Matsya Sampada Scheme : Proposed Rs. 257.50 crore for wholesale fish market development.

Food Processing Industry : Proposed Rs. 100 crore under Uttar Pradesh Food Processing Industry Policy, 2022.

Textile Sector Development : Formulation of Uttar Pradesh Textile and Garmenting Policy 2022 to attract investments and create maximum job opportunities in the textile sector.


Commercialization of agriculture in Uttar Pradesh is a multifaceted process with both positive and negative impacts. It is essential to manage it carefully to ensure that all stakeholders benefit while addressing environmental and equity challenges. Government support and sustainable practices play a pivotal role in shaping the future of agriculture in UP.

Uttar Pradesh Budget, 2023-24

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